
100% Authentic Handbags Guaranteed

At OC Luxury Bags we prioritize authenticity and customer satisfaction. We guarantee that all of our items are 100% authentic OR your money back! We combine our own knowledge and expertise with other 3rd party authenticators to ensure legitimacy for each of our items.

We've partnered with the top three authentication companies to verify the authenticity on all of our items: Entrupy, Authentic Street, and Real Authentication. Each company specializes in determining the authenticity of luxury goods by closely examining date codes, serial numbers, heat stamps, stitching and other materials used that are industry known to verify authenticity.

Once an item is verified authentic, a certificate or verbal confirmation is provided to us from our trusted sources. Please note that on occasion, some bags may not come with a physical certificate (this will be in each listing whether a certificate will be provided) but we are confident that each and every piece that OC Luxury Bags sell have been verified authentic. While we choose to utilize these three companies with brand-specific expertise; our primary authenticator is the most advanced technology based authentication company, Entrupy. If you have any additional questions about our authentication process please contact us!