Insider Tips for Spotting Investment-Worthy Handbags - Invaluable
Thank you for choosing Orange County Luxury Bags to consign your designer handbag and accessories! We happily accept AUTHENTIC, new and gently worn items from the high end brands listed below: 

Hermes, Chanel, Dior, Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Fendi, Valentino, Burberry, MCM, Celine, Givenchy, YSL, etc.

Please read the following information before completing consignment application.

We are always looking for the best conditioned items to add to our online store (Yes! Men's items too!). How it works:

  • Clients are responsible for shipping their items to : 26632 Towne Centre Dr. Suite 300 Foothill Ranch, CA 92610

  • Selling approach: Items generally take 1-2 weeks after arrival to be authenticated and processed onto our website. We will market them in a way that we feel will best promote sales. We commit time to take professional product photos, videos, outdoor photography, styled photos and on-the-body modeling. We ensure proper unpacking and safely storing items in our responsibility. 

  • Returned consignment: We make every effort to only accept items that we believe will sell quickly. If there is too much wear or damage on your item, we will kindly reject or return your item. If an item is proven to be fake, we will dispose of it on your behalf, by law. 

  • We ask that you commit to consigning with us for a minimum of 2 months. If after 30 days, the item has not sold, you may request for it to be returned at your expense. Otherwise, we will lower the price with intent to sell quickly. A $150 fee will be applied if this request comes before the 60 day period to cover time spent photographing and marketing.  

  • Payment: We will send payment for sold items via PayPal family/friends or bank transfer within 20 business days. Other options may include Cash-App, Venmo, or Zelle. 
  • A contract will be in place to protect both buyer and seller. Please refer to our terms and conditions for further information.
  • Lastly, we do not accept clothing, jewelry or shoes. 



 Items Priced Seller Percentage (What YOU Make)
up to $500 50%
$501- $4,999 60%
$5,000- $7,999 70%
$8,000+ 80%


Thank you for allowing OC Luxury Bags to sell your designer handbags!

Are you ready to Consign?

Fill out the Form Below: